The End, A Day Before 2022

Why the New Year’s eve resolution never works.

Nina Bilolo Laure
3 min readDec 31, 2021

Hi, my dear folks, I hope you guys are all doing good, I mean as good as I am doing today. So I have been in a ten-day run of gratitude between Christmas and New Year and Y’all don’t know how excited I am to share what I have been learning through these ten days. Are you ready?!


“FIRST FEELINGS, ARE THE RIGHT FEELINGS,” They say… Do you remember the first time you walked, or the first time you ate an orange? Probably not, but I am pretty sure you remember the first time you kissed someone and the feeling it gave you, or the first time that someone really held your hands; or you probably remember your first achievement, your 18th birthday, or even your first concert, or the taste of your first bakery; it can be anything, anything that rose a child-like feeling of first discovery. If you remember at least one of the above, then you are probably in the 10% of happy people left in the world. Yes, I said 10%, because 90% of it keeps on relying on other people’s opinions of life to actually be happy. At the end of the day, are they really happy? We don’t know. But when it comes to your happiness, always make sure you remember all the old good steps of your life, especially all the baby steps. Why the baby steps? They remind you that you have more to be grateful for than regretting the things you couldn’t do this year.


“It’s all about finding the calm in the chaos” _ Donna Karan

How many times did you find yourself in a situation where being calm was not an option? I don’t know about you but I have been in there so many times for the past three years and trust me, there is nothing as annoying as feeling out of control; until I asked myself, do we really have to be in control of everything? There was no solution at first but as time went on, I started to understand that being calm is the first step to finding a solution to everything. You might have planned 2021 accordingly but how did you react when everything was not going your way?

Mastering calmness is one of the worst torture you can impose to yourself but it worth the try if you value your peace more than anything on this earth. To master calmness is to understand first who you are and how you act when nobody is around; it is to listen to your thoughts and filter what’s enhance your serenity; calmness is minding your character when your anger is being assessed. What you do, or say tells who you are and how you do. Maybe you never thought about it, but this might be your first step to something great.


Who are you? First question to yourself on your list to discover in 2022. Being aware of your presence on earth is one of the basics.

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom” _ Aristotle

If you know yourself, you are powerful, period! If you know yourself, nobody has control over your feelings. We created a world where having your feelings manipulated is the new trend, what about you controlling yourself for 2022. Again, nothing is easy but trying is much better that not doing anything about that. ( I promise to carry on awareness pretty soon) let’s say it’s an introduction to your self discovery for next year.

Before we cross 2022, know that you are an important being, and that you have your place on earth as a happy, fulfilled, and free being. Let’s try not to make resolutions but be a resolution.

We are at the edge of greatness, let’s make it count for the rest of our lives.

Happy 2022, Blessed 2022, Happy New Year folks.



Nina Bilolo Laure

Life journey with a little bit of romance and confusion + life tricks are the wonders I love to discover. Let’s just say I am a professional wonderer !